Monday, February 14, 2011

Characteristics and Size of a John Dory Fish

There are more interesting facts about the John Dory aside from its name. For one, are you interested to know about the average size of a John Dory? This fish comes from the genus Zeus and can also be called St. Pierre. This fish has large eyes that are located at the front of its head. This position of its eyes gives it depth of perception and bifocal vision. These characteristics plus the size of a John Dory can come in handy when there are predators. Its eye spot on its side can bewilder the prey and they can easily scoop it on their big mouth. This type of fish is edible and this can be found in many countries.

Some Facts about the Name
Aside from the size of a John Dory, there are also many interesting stories about its name. The origin of its name has many different explanations. There are some people that attribute it to John Dory, a known hero of an ancient ballad. There are versions that state that John was used because in French, it means jaune or yellow. It was also used at the novel written by Jules Verne, An Antarctic Mystery. In the story, this was said to be brought to the Lord by the keeper of the gates of Heaven, St. Peter. There was even a legend about the dark spot on the flank of this fish species, which was believed to be St. Peter's thumbprint. These details only prove that there are so much more to learn about this, including the size of a John Dory.

More Information about this Fish
Before tackling the subject about the size of a John Dory, here are some more useful details about this. This kind of fish can be typically found at the coasts of South East Asia, Australia, Africa, Japan, Europe and New Zealand. Its habitat is near the seabed at depths of 5 to 360 meters. They usually stalk on their prey, shoot out a tube on the mouth of its captive to get their food. They eat many varieties of fish like sardines, squid, cuttlefish, but they mostly feed on schooling fish. Its main predators include bony kinds of fish and sharks. It can last for about 12 years in the wild. They can already reproduce by the time they reach the age of three or four. This happens at the end of the winter season. They release the eggs and sperms on the water to fertilize.
About the Size

The maximum size of a John Dory is 65 cm. At its peak, this can weigh around 3 kilos. It has a dorsal fin with 10 long spines and an anal fin with four spines. The scales of this fish are sharp and microscopic. The body is flat and round, which contribute to its weakness when it comes to swimming. Its color is olive green, with belly that is silvery white and it has dark spots on the side of its body.

This kind of fish is very in demand when it comes to exclusive dining experience. This is why this is actually popular in many places in different countries around the globe.

All about the Flounder

The flounder is a kind of flatfish that can commonly found along the ocean coast lines. When one says flatfish, normally, we refer to fish species that live on the ocean or sea floor. They typically have fins resembling rays as well as eyes that are on one side of their heads only, in contrast to other kinds of fish with one eye on each side. There are even some flatfish species that have the ability to camouflage, or to hide themselves, on the ocean floor by means of mimicking its coloring on their bodies.

Flounder can usually be found in Canada as well as on the eastern coast lines of America. They are known to feed on mussels, insects, and fish spawn, which they usually be found along the span of the ocean floor, on docks, on foundations of bridges that span across water forms, and along bass grounds.

There are, right now, three common types of flounder. These are the left eye flounder, the right eye flounder, and the Southern flounder.

The Uses of Flounder
Flounder is best used as food as well as for hobby fishing. The best season for catching flounder for food is during the spring or fall seasons, because these are the seasons when the flounder is typically at their best. When one catches flounder during the summer season, one may notice that the meat does not taste as well and is irritatingly soft.

The best way for cooking flounder is by pan searing or frying. Flounder is also great when baked, as well as when it is stuffed and then cooked.

On the other hand, when fishing for flounder, it is advisable to make use of a small fishing hook, preferably a number 8. If the shores have plenty of flounder in it, catching should basically not be a problem, since this type of fish will bite on to almost any bait a fisherman uses. The best places to fish for flounder is on the inlets of New Jersey, as well as in Boston and along the New York Bay and Long Island.

On Flounder Sizes
The average size of a flounder range from 5 to 15 inches, with the largest being 1 1/2 up to two feet. This is basically an equivalent of 12 and a half centimeters and 37 and a half centimeters. As per the breadth and width of the flounder, usually it takes up to half of its length.

Wonderful Elongated Fishes

The Elongated Fishes
Believe it or not, according to taxonomy or animal classification or categorization, though they look like snakes, eels are fishes as well. Based on scientific studies, there are more or less, 800 species, 110 genera, 19 families and four suborders that identify eels. In terms of the eels' practical usages for humans, eels are favorite food in some cultures. Japanese, Korean and Chinese traditions consider eels as a popular cuisine (like Unajuu and Unadon) that is in a way very expensive. In Hong Kong, a kilogram of eels could have a tag price reaching a 1000 HKD. Eels had been considered an aphrodisiac and stamina booster in some cultures and traditions and that had been one of the reasons why they are fondly consumed by humans. Freshwater eels like the European eels are also a delicacy in United States and some European countries and regions. Jellied eels have been a desired traditional east London food before the Second World War. The 'angulas' is a Basque dish that contains deep-fried young eels or elver. A taste for these deep-fried eels would definitely cost a fortune: a kilogram of elver would cost up to 1000 euro. The Maori is a New Zealand dish that has New Zealand longfin eels. According to research, the blood of eels is lethal for some mammals and humans as well. Nonetheless, due to digestive and food preparation processes, the toxin protein is being destroyed as well.

How Long is This Elongated Fish?
In terms of sizes, measurements or dimensions; eels are gauged in terms of their length. In average, eels' length is ranging from two inches (or five centimeters) up to 12.3 feet (or 3.75 meters). In terms of their average heaviness, an adult eel could weigh from thirty grams to more or less 25 kilograms. Though, in a way or two, they are considered as fishes; eels have some distinct characteristics from the fishes. Unlike fishes, eels do not possess pelvic fins and some types lack pectoral fins. Eels' anal and dorsal fins are amalgamated with the tail or the caudal fin that form a single strip running along the majority of the eels' length. Sea holes, the bottom layer of the ocean and shallow waters are the preferred dwelling places of the eels. These sea creatures are really fond of swimming.

Some Recent Facts and Concerns
The American eel, the European eel and the Japanese eel are categorized at the seafood red list by the Greenpeace International in 2010. The seafood red list of Greenpeace international is a record of fishes that are regularly sold in supermarkets all over the world and that have a very high danger of being supplied by untenable fisheries.

Detail Information about Turbot Sizes

When it comes to big creatures that can be found at seas, many people will include turbot sizes on their search. This species can be found at the waters on the North Atlantic, the Baltic Sea, Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea. This can also be seen at marine and brackish waters. The name was derived from the Swedish word torn but, which means stump. It has gotten into the English and French language around the 13th century. Historians say that various turbot sizes were consumed by the Romans. This was due to the poem by Juvenal that was written around the early 2nd century AD or around the latter part of the first century. The poem mentioned this species, which has become the evidence of historians.

The Appearance
No matter what the turbot sizes are, its body has the shape of a disk with asymmetrical features. The European kinds can grow up to 100 centimeters, while the other turbot sizes are often smaller. Most of its kind travel on the gravel shores and this can actually be found in various locations, especially at parts that are near the sand. This is known as left sided fish with the eyes on the left part of its head, but there are rare cases when the look is different.

Regardless of the turbot sizes, this species do not have scales. There are tubercles or bone that looks like knobs that are scattered on its body and head. It comes in different colors, such as light brown, grayish brown or gray. It is likely that you will also see dark patches at some of its body parts. Once caught, the fisherman needs to do incisions on its bone. This is done in order to close the tailfin and so that the blood will flow out. This process is done to keep the white color of this fish. Another way that can be employed in order to keep the white color is by storing the fish on an upside down position.

Food for Humans
This is considered as delicacy in many countries. It goes by different names that include breet, britt and butt. Despite the differences of the terms used and the turbot sizes, its meat has gotten popular due to its juicy and moist flavor. It can be harvested via aquaculture or through trawling. This kind of fish is now being farmed in countries like Norway, Turkey, Spain, China and Chile.

About the Size
The fish will mature after five years and their length at this point can be from 30 to 40 inches. Its length can reach up to 40 inches or 100 centimeters, with its weight at 25 kilos of 55 pounds.
Now that this is getting more attention because of its taste, people must look after its safety. They must protect the species from getting overfished at various parts of the globe.

How to Maintain Pond And Controlling Algae

You have taken great time and expense to build your Koi pond. You have taken even more time in selecting and stocking your Koi fish. All of these great efforts will be in vain if you do not adhere to proper Koi pond maintenance. Such maintenance involves all aspects of your pond's condition; from controlling algae in ponds to oxygen levels and water changes.

Your Koi pond maintenance should start with controlling algae in ponds. This is achieved by ensuring that at least 60% of the surface area of your pond is covered in shade. Algae need sun to propagate. Deny them direct sunlight and you will have a stronger hand in controlling algae in ponds. Of course, providing weekly routine maintenance to your pond's filtration system will also go a long way in this regard. Checking the filter, ensuring that the pumps are working properly and checking UV bulbs will not only keep algae under control, but also keep water chemistry within acceptable parameters.

Purchasing a siphon pump for your pond is another way to facilitate Koi pond maintenance. Using the siphon pump monthly to drain 10% of the water and debris which has accumulated in the bottom of the pond will lighten the load on your filtration system and keep your water chemistry in check. During this time, you can also use pond scrubbers to clean rocks, substrate surfaces and other areas that display algae outbreaks. When replenishing the water that was removed, make certain to do so only with dechlorinated water. Chlorine can be hazardous, even deadly, to your Koi.

There are also special seasonal chores associated with Koi pond maintenance. During the fall, leaves will have a tendency to fall into your pond. These should be removed as soon as possible. Otherwise you run the risk of having them decompose and contaminate your Koi's habitat.

Just before the first chill of winter hits, make certain that you have properly completed your weekly and monthly maintenance routines for that time period. Before your Koi enter their dormant/hibernation period over winter, it is imperative that water conditions in your pond be at optimum levels. Check pH, oxygen, nitrate and other chemical levels right before this period.

During winter, monitor severely low temperatures carefully. Koi are hearty fish and by nature will enter a dormant stage when the temperatures drop. Even so, if water temperatures drop below 45 degrees Fahrenheit, especially if they as such for multiple days, you may want to consider using a water heater or else relocate the Koi indoors. The latter option should be done only as a last resort.

Spring is a good time to conduct a full systems check of your filtration system. This will be around the same time that your Koi will begin to exit their dormant stage.

As the summer months roll in, especially in hotter climates, water evaporation is something hat must be kept an eye on. If water levels drop, this can lower the amount of oxygen available to your fish and also concentrate a buildup of dangerous chemical imbalances in the water. During the hotter months water replenishment may be done as often as on a weekly basis.

Keeping up with weekly, monthly and seasonal Koi pond maintenance is the best way to keep your pond and your fish at their peak. Besides, most of the maintenance routines can actually be done in such a way that they become an enjoyable way of interacting with your Koi and pond. This is very similar to the pleasure and relaxation that gardeners feel when they work on their gardens.